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Monday, September 26, 2011

Making money sewing at home and have fun, promotion and marketing

Creation of a "seller" market

Promoting your business is one of the most challenging aspects of self-employment. There is no permanently by your product-market advertising branch. Your team can you and your spouse or friend for now. Whom you have at your disposal, you can create a smart marketing strategy to successfully launch your doll clothes sewing business and make money at home sewing!!

It doesn't have to eng. you do not want your prices are so high that people do not afford what you have to offer, but you're in the business of making a profit, so now that it comes down to how comfortable you are promoting the pop clothes you. You know that you have created a unique quality product with the best fabrics and materials and that your niche is pretty small. Start there. Take what differentiates you and build on it.

Next, frequent other shops that sell products similar to yours. Beginning with stores that sell dolls and Doll clothes. Their craftsmanship evaluate and compare the quality of what you see to the standard that you keep to yourself. Questions of the owner or the administrator. If no such store exists, file away as main selling point. You have created a unique product that is not generally placed on the market.

Then to broaden your search and visit local fabric shops. Find out if there is someone currently sells pop clothes in your niche and if not, they would be willing to promote or sell what you have to offer. Setup at another time more information to share with them. Be respectful of their time. This is the best way to start a relationship. They will not only your supplier for material, but a possible retail location for your product, as well as a reference for clients looking for doll clothes.

Finally, where you will set up shop? Do you want money sewing and location is crucial to your success. Do you want to have a store front where customers can come to buy? You will the company operate from your home? How will these decisions affect your family? Include in your decision decision-making process. This can save you space at home, on rent for a storefront, but make sure you can separate work from home.

Once you've done all the legwork and have a plan, it's time to put it in action. Because you don't need a marketing team at your Beck and call, gathering of friends and family and let them be part of the process. There are many annoying steps (i.e. printing and folding brochures, flyers, connect to the local media) and a team is the best approach to getting the work. It is important not to mention of why you started this crazy trip and what you want to achieve at the end.

You will find the visited again and often need to re-vamp of your plan. Wake up each morning review of your goals and plan. Know your work to be done for the day. Who's coming in for an appointment? Who needs a follow-up phone call or note in the mail? Stay in touch with your customers. They are all your supporters and fans and can spread the word faster and more efficient than a newspaper ad.

Armed with a plan to get the word out about your unique dolly clothing, you are ready to make money at home sewing. I encourage you to step back and enjoy the work you have done so far. You are for the rest who only dream about the possibility to work from home. You've taken your dream of owning your own business and spend time with your family and made it a reality. Congratulations! Continue to believe in yourself and never stop learning. With these two concepts is the sky the limit. Happy selling!

JoAnn developed her love for sewing as a child in 4-h. more than 40 years later, she is a sewing enthusiast who enjoys sharing her passion for sewing with all ages. She loves spending time with her grandchildren, teaching them the joy of sewing doll clothes for their dollies. Author of seven books of the hard copy and explore many different applications, e-books that you recommend JoAnn sewing would sew on your trip and instill in you a love for the exciting world of sewing doll clothes. visit her online at

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