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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Uganda in crisis-inspired by a rag doll

Last Saturday I had the privilege of attending sewing BEES for women. There were about thirty women and children have ranging from the youngest to the wiser. These women of God were bringing the love of Jesus for children of war devastated Uganda.
The event sponsored by Nancy, Member of the International ChildVoice, a Durham, New Hampshire-based Christian humanitarian organization, nonprofit. ChildVoice International lists among its mission as providing assistance to children victims of war around the world through advocacy, research and demonstration projects effective. " The situation of children in Uganda seems to have escaped our main stream media.
Uganda is a landlocked country slightly smaller than the State of Oregon. It is surrounded by Countries of Sudan, Kenya, North East, the Congo, to the West by Tanzania and Rwanda to the South.
Joseph Kony started a rebel movement to overthrow the Government of Uganda in 1987. This movement is called the Resistance Army (LRA REBELS of the Lord). Among the favorite tactics used by the LRA to retain control of the civilian population in the North include rape, torture, mutilation and slaughter. Troop strength is augmented by the abduction and recruitment of children. Girls are forced to be sex slaves and boys workers or soldiers. It is estimated that more than 25,000 children have been kidnapped by this group.
Nancy's passion for the children of Uganda would occasionally to choke on his words as tears welled in his eyes. He explained as 25,000 children would nightly cover distances of 20 miles and more to evade the LRA patrols. These same rebel patrols drove approximately 1.5 million people from their homes in northern Uganda and in refugee camps. This mass migration and the massacre of civilians, called one of the worlds worst humanitarian emergencies, destabilized both security and the economy of Uganda.
In these circumstances a lack of toys to play with it almost seems frivolous, not to be worthy of consideration, but not to a child. The game can teach social skills such as how to interact with others and how to care for those children. The game can be an escape from the world means that it is their reality. Women who participate know instinctively and work with determination and diligence. Many of the women producing over seventy of the dolls within days, take-home materials to continue to work at home. Passion of Nancy had excited the whole group!
During the next few days, my wife and I were to share the story of the ape sewing and the situation of Uganda with several different people. A man, highly educated, a doctor specializing in neurology, responded in the most disconcerting.
His reaction of apparent indifference was what surprised me the most. Here was a man of medicine sworn to preserve the best of its ability, but he doesn't seem to care. A seemly moved the conversation passed the argument of Uganda.
The next was a shrewd business handyman home improvement. Responded with enthusiasm and interest in the project as a whole. Expressing a wish wistful day go to a place such as Uganda and make a difference in someone else's life. I really got his attention when I mentioned the building currently in planing, as her own Alley the renovation project.
I have no way of judging the status of the human soul is eternal. I can only rely on the Bible to guide me. John Jesus directed to the Church in Laodicea write in the book of revelation:
I know your deeds, which are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either! So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold-I'm for you spit out of my mouth. She says, "I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need such a thing. "But don't you realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked.
Revelation 3: 15-17 (NIV)
For Christian indifference is not an option!
According to James Chapter 1: 27 we have to take care of the weak and needy.
Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1: 27 (NIV)
The religion which God accepts as pure and blameless is one that is lived to serve Christ. We are called to be his Ambassador in a dying world.
I have witnessed God's work in many ways those few days. I looked at the God will raise up a new leader. Nancy, sometimes surprise that others would look to you for guidance, managed his new role with grace.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see the hand of God at work. Can use the slightest of things, including Rag Dolls, to achieve its purpose. Rag dolls, a few pieces of cloth, yarn and stuffing, stitched together from a handful of Godly women. The rag doll as an instrument of God to bear witness of a fallen world. The rag doll, as his way of bringing pleasure and testimony to continents children away. The rag doll as a symbol of the love of Jesus.
I will pray that God raises up more leaders like Nancy. More projects like sewing bee. More people like you to bear witness to the living God, Jesus Christ, for these children and how their around the world.
If you would like more information please visit Ugandan hope []. To learn how you can help visit childvoice international, World Vision or surprising Change.

Clyde Annach is the Web operator Log Aha! Clyde is thought again! []

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